
Herbal Antibiotic Alternatives

Herbal Antibiotic Alternatives (Book cover)

In an age of antibiotic overuse, now it is more important than ever to go back to the roots of medicine, and re-discover the alternatives nature has given us for common medical issues.

Dr. Pina LoGiudice and Dr. Peter Bongiorno, expert naturopathic doctors and acupuncturists first discuss the uncommon, yet common-sense naturopathic basics necessary to keep your body healthy. Then the book launches into detailed easy to follow practical advice on how to safely avoid antibiotic drugs by using the best botanical medicine has to offer.

Well-recognized in the field, Dr. Pina recently spoke about this work when interviewed on the Dr. Oz Show.

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This book is only available as a PDF download. You may purchase it by contacting me directly. You may download a 13 page excerpt of the book to review for free. It includes the table of contents and a selection of pages from the book.